The Football side of the Financial Market has a strong relation in Sweden. The first game was played between Buyside and Sellside 1973, and early it was also a Woman game played as well. It was this games that actually led to the creation of Stockbrokers Club 1991
Erik Penser was however one of the early Initiators of the yearly games and many of the games ended with a similar type of “Champions Dinner” as in Interbourse but in a more informal style at Eriks home – and when people starting to cool down and left the analyze of the game. Many seroius financial discussions could take place.
This is just one example of the Financial Legend Erik Pensers social skills and talent – understanding of the social importance in the market. He was also very active in building up and support the Swedish Research side – and as Research today has become one of the fundamentals in all Valuations in the Market, especially across the Local Markets connection to the Global. He is also known as a great collector so take a look at him on Wikipedia